Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Favorite Day

“What day is it?"
It's today," squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day," said Pooh.” 
― A.A. Milne

Three more days until Friday.  How much longer until Spring Break?  Basketball season is almost over and then we'll have some free time. How many days of school left?  It has got to be getting close to bedtime.........

These are things that run through my mind.  A lot. More than I'd like to admit, in fact.  Having something to look forward to is a good thing.  Unless you do it so much that you're in danger of missing out on today.  

One of my favorite sayings has always been "Carpe Diem".  Sieze the day. But it's definitely something I struggle with.  I need to remind myself that the quote is telling us to seize this day.  Not tomorrow, or next week.  After all, my kids will only be this age once.  Heck, I'll only be this age once!

My oldest child, Evan, brought home information from school today for Middle School Registration Night.  I wondered where the years went.  And I realized that it only took about 2190 days to get from this:

To this:

And then I realized (after doing some math) that it will be about the same number of days until he is 18 years old and getting ready to leave for college.  I need to hold on to these days before they are all gone.  Even when the days are hard. And I'll admit, in the middle of writing this post I had to stop, go break up a scuffle over an indoor basketball game, and send both offenders to their respective rooms.  But that is ok because I'm reminding myself that today is my favorite day.  



  1. oh man, where does the time go? looking forward to reading what you've been up to in a place other than facebook. :) and excited for your book reviews. welcome to blogspot.

    1. Thanks Dana! I'm looking forward to doing this too. It's been fun so far. Lots to learn though!

  2. Reminds me of the saying, "The days are long and the years are short."

    1. I was thinking of that when I was writing this. :)
